The most important product release for marketers in 2010 has been Google’s ‘retargeting’ across the content network. The ability to serve highly targeted ads to individuals across the Internet provides digital strategists with an unprecedented level of control and develop insights never before accessible. So lets look at how retargeting can be used to close the loop in digital marketing strategy.

How does it work?
Retargeting follows individuals as they surf the Internet, by placing a tracking beacon (known as a cookie) on their Internet browser. To place this cookie, a specific code is placed within a webpage (on a specific or common page) and after users have viewed that page, the tracking beacon is automatically attached to their browser until cookies are cleared.
An example to help explain; a dog food company places a tracking cookie on the checkout page of their website. When the user surfs the net thereafter, every time they access a website that allows Google ads to be served, the tracking beacon recognises the user and allows the specific ads from the dog food company to be served. As we know that only people who were on the dog food checkout page (and code can be programmed to only target those that didn’t complete the process) have been exposed to this specific code, we can serve up text and banners ads that remind the customer to go back and complete their purchase. Thus closing the loop.
Surely if they didn’t buy first time, they won’t buy second time?
Although a logical assumption, the statistics and anecdotal evidence show that the Internet is a convenience store; consumers will leave what they are doing at the drop of a hat for a multitude of reasons, a phone call for example. Google retargeting allows marketers to get a second bite at the cherry for a mere couple dollar investment.
More advanced tactics:
The most important application of retargeting is to keep the brand front of mind. The dog food company for example could have separate tracking cookies on each of the separate pages for each of the dog food brands they sell. Ads specific to each of those brands can then be served up keeping the supplier top of mind. This serves two applications, firstly it reminds them to make an additional purchase, and secondly, it builds the brand through constant exposure to the customer, stimulating conversations and brand advocacy. If a user of the brand (even for very small companies) is constantly hounded by banner ads every time they use the Internet, they can’t help but be aware of the constant onslaught of brand messaging. From a data insights perspective as well, it allows advertisers to build up a clear picture of the Internet browsing habits of their cliental, providing unprecedented levels of consumer insight.
There are plenty more application for retargeting, but without doubt this is the most important product release of 2010, closing the loop in digital marketing strategy.
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